Prayer, Faith and the Martial Arts
Quotes . Religion . State of MindPrayer is not something you hear much about in the Martial Arts, which I think if unfortunate. Many of the ideals taught in the Martial Arts are religious. Specifically I see a strong connection to the teachings of Christianity. Take for example the quote pictured to the Right: “The best reason for learning karate is Read More

The Perfect Flying Kick
Fitness . Karate . State of Mind . Styles . Technique . Training notesCapturing the Perfect Flying Kick on film is no easy task without using time capture devices (like most phones these days!) That said there still are not many pictures because Perfect form is not that common, because these kicks require substantial practice. In seeking to write this article I found the following photo and thought Read More

Your Chances of Success
A Zen Thing . Articles of Interest . State of Mind . Training notesWords that other people speak only have power if we give them. The Words we speak can either empower or defeat us before we even start. I use the above chart with everyone but mostly my younger/adolescent students. Honestly hearing anyone say I can’t makes my blood boil, nothing is harder to overcome than someone Read More

How Old to Karate Do?!
Articles of Interest . Ask Sensei . QuestionsThe two best ages to start Karate are…As a kid and right now! There was a time that Karate lessons were for adults only. These days most people associate karate lessons with kids and teens. The tide is leveling off and today there are plenty of karate classes for adults once again. Your only restrictions Read More

Why We Train: Karate
Articles of Interest . For Kids . Karate . Questions . StylesWhy do we train and practice and drill in the Dojo? The ultimate purpose of karate is to develop the better features of human character rather then merely to strengthen human beings against a physical enemies. Karate training is different then any other form of training. It can be done anywhere, no special equipment necessary. Read More

Sparring Scoring & Rules
Competition . Questions . Training notesTwo-Point Sparring Two point sparring is also referred to as Nihon Shobu (two point fighting). Two point sparring is a very controlled form of sparring. The object is to exercise control when attacking your opponent with the focus on technique of the attacks employed. Each match is scored by at least two judges however a Read More

Work Those Abs!
Fitness . Training notesHere are two great Ab workouts that if done consistently will get you in shape quickly. Vertical Leg Crunch*: Lie on your back with your hands behind your head for support and your legs extended up towards the ceiling. Then, squeeze or tighten your ab muscles as you bring head and shoulders up off the Read More

Basic Sparring Equipment Explained
Articles of Interest . Competition . Karate . Products . Questions . Training notesWritten by Sensei Mitch Sparring with an opponent is one of the most fundamental aspects of any martial arts training. It is after all, the time to test all the skills, strength, speed and techniques you have learnt and put them all together. Nevertheless, there’s an important thing to consider first before rushing into a Read More

Basic Martial Arts Gear Explained
Articles of Interest . Products . ReviewsWritten by Sensei Mitch In order to look the part, enhance your martial arts training sessions and broaden your techniques, some form of martial arts gear will ultimately be required particularly if you intend on joining a martial arts club. Although you can practice the martial arts in any type of clothing, even your pajamas, Read More
The Importance of Stretching
Articles of Interest . Fitness . Karate . Technique . Training notesBy Sensei Mitch Take this article for what it is, layman’s advice. All I know about stretching I have learned from reading and trail and error, no formal courses, no certificates, just personal experience and written material. With that said, read on at your own risk (I had to say that;). Why do we stretch? Read More
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